Format Description:

The undisputed symbol of Milan, the Duomo, for an event that explores it in each of its fine perspectives: from the naves  of the impressive cathedral, going underground to the Baptistery and then going up to the sky, to discover its spires which stand out against the sky, dominating the city.

A unique journey to discover one of the most famous symbols of Milan, which offers unique emotions and sensations in all its dimensions. Starting from the Cathedral, the colours of the stained-glass windows, which merge perfectly in a climate of sacredness and majesty, come flooding in.

Every level has a colour of its own

Walking through the naves, every statue, painting, sculpture and  stained-glass window tells the story of the world, the dogmas of religion, the teachings of the saints and the tradition of the arts and crafts. It is looking up at the stained-glass windows that the legend of the Milanese risotto starts: a pupil of Valéry of Flanders, in charge of working on the stained glass and its colours, using saffron to colour the glass on the day of his daughter’s wedding, added the magic powder to the rice as it was cooking, arousing the amazement of the guests and giving rise to nothing less than a monument of the Milanese gastronomic tradition.

The discovery of the majestic interior of the cathedral then moves underground, to its Baptistery. A magical and secretive place, which allows discovering the past of the place, starting from its origins under the ground, discovering its archaeological area. Here we can take a real leap back into history, with soft lights and the typical half-shadows of archaeological areas.

The route continues outside the Cathedral, with the ascent to its spires and its central figure, symbol of the city, the Virgin Mary or Madonnina. Once at the top, the air is lighter and the white marble of the statues alternates with unique views of Piazza Duomo and the whole city as far as the eye can see. From this ideal perspective, the history of the city can be discovered, told through the statues that populate the rooftops and which over time have observed the evolution of the city and its changes, witnesses of the past, observers of the present and always waiting for the future.

Upside-down Duomo is not just a tour, it is a multisensory event, a journey through all the levels of one of the symbols of the most historical, classic and iconographic Milan, in perfect harmony between the past, the present and the future.

Included Services:

  • Event personalization for date, hour, program and timing on behalf of the client and participants’ requests
  • Pre-event consultancy, organization and elaboration of the detailed program
  • Assistance during the event until the conclusion
  • Participants welcome at the event
  • Guided tour, if foreseen, by Neiade Tour & Events’ professional guides , even in languages other than Italian or English
  • Location/transport exclusively reserved if foreseen

Upgrade Duomo Sottosopra Exclusive

The discovery of the Duomo on a route that enthrals all the senses, can become an even more unique experience if combined with a route that continues, thrilling the participants, with the discovery of other symbols of life in the centre, central features in a different way but nevertheless important in the history of the  heart of the city.

Why not go then, from the majestic Cathedral, to the famous Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, to discover one of the most symbolic places of conviviality of the Milanese: the Savini Caffé. Whether it is for an aperitif, an elegant and convivial formal dinner or to associate with a unique tour like The Upside-down Duomo with a meeting that is different from usual, in this historic location any wishes  or formats of event can be held, whether corporate, for public relations or simply a worthy conclusion to a unique tour.

To give the participants with an even more indelible memory, why not offer a small fragment of history, with a unique souvenir by the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo: whether it is a collection of original photos, or the adoption of a spire in the name of the company, this unique format allows pampering guests and participants in a way that is absolutely exciting and out of the ordinary.

If you need to organize your event